Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Day at the Beach

Today was Cameron's first trip to the beach. We went to a local beach near our house and as you can see, it was very sunny. In fact, today turned out to be the hottest day ever in Seattle as the temp recorded at SeaTac (the airport) was 102 F. Fortunately, we were at the beach early in the day and our house has a basement so we hung out there in the relative cool.

Some family is in town and we went to the beach with sister in-law Corrin and nephew Tanner who is a big goofball. We dug a hole, had Tanner stand in it, and then buried him up to his waist. He was tickled.

And just 'cause I think this pic is super cute:


Tim and Terrie (tnt) said...

I miss the beach!! How fun to take Cameron. And it sounds like you picked a great day to go.

I love the pictures

Lisa said...

that picture is very cute! and i love the moby wrap!