Saturday, July 25, 2009

Big Year

Well, it's been over a year since the last post so we figured it's about time for an update. Here are some of the things that have happened in our lives since the last post, in chronological order:

-May/June/July. Remodeled kitchen with a short vacation in the middle. We fully gutted the kitchen and put in new cabinets, counters, stove, and found hardwood floors under the laminate flooring so had the floors refinished while we were at it.

Lucy and Emily lent some assistance...

-June/July. Went to Europe for three weeks with our good friends Steve and Jenny. We visited Italy, Paris, a couple of towns on the NW coast of Spain, and Barcelona. Hard to put the trip into words but needless to say, it was phenomenal.

-August-October. Agreed to buy a new construction house in Issaquah and then backed out once we realized it was not the right house for us.

-November. Found out Makayla was pregnant!

-April. Bought a house in Richmond Beach (NW Shoreline). Yup, stereotypical white picket fence and all.

-April. Sold our old house. We were very fortunate that the house sold in just a few days.

-May 22nd. Makayla threw out the first pitch at a Mariners game. It was UW Medicine night and as she was a patient at UWMC and now works there, the CEO asked Makayla if she wanted to participate in the ceremonial first pitch.

-July 13th, 2009. Welcomed Cameron Todd Kliger into the world! He gets his own post, though.

Thanks for reading through and catching up on the past year with us. Hope your life has been as full of fun, joy, and gratitude as has ours.

1 comment:

The Brookses said...

yay!!! we made the year in review!